Friday, May 4, 2012

Endless Teddy Bears (heads?)

Brandon took a big, white, Teddy Bear off of his brother's bed when he was about 6 years old. Up until then he never played with any kind of stuffed animals. He just wasn't interested. But he took this bear, and kissed it on the nose, and then carried it around his neck, I think to help muffle the loud noises that he dislikes so much. He took bear everywhere, to school, the store, on vacation, and he slept with him every night. He would not leave the house without Bear.

Brandon wearing his bear before he finished tearing it to pieces.
 By the time he was in high school, Bear had began to get threadbare, and I was afraid to wash him because he might fall apart in the washer.  I mended him the best I could, but soon he just had too many holes. Now,Brandon does not like holes in fabric. If he sees one in his sock or shirt, that piece of clothing is soon ripped to shreds.Soon poor Bear was torn into pieces. Everything but his head was tiny shreds of fur. But Brandon was lost without Bear, so he got a new Bear for his birthday. He kissed him, and carried him with him. The only thing was, this wasn't Bear. Two weeks later, I found a bear paw on the living room floor. I saw more fur leading down the hall into Brandon's room. Poor new bear, only his head was left.

 Brandon's aunt brought over a panda bear one day. Brandon grabbed it and kissed him. 10 days later, black and white fur everywhere. sigh. Brandon wants a bear, but it is never the right one. We save the bear heads. I don't know why. Knowing how much Brandon loves teddy bears, for a minute anyway, I  keep bringing home more, or people give him them. I just love the way he kisses them and.......

Two bear heads warning other Teddy Bears not to enter.....

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